Binge and Emotional Eating Program

Overcoming Binge and Emotional Eating Group Program

Binge & Emotional Eating Program


In clinic, or TBA depending on numbers.


10 weeks, plus included private followup appointment


Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9pm

Starting Week 1 Term 1 2018

(31st Jan 2018)

Registrations CLOSE Fri 19/1


$479, includes private followup appointment

Pensioner/ health card holder rates available

Are you ready to regain control of emotional eating, and finally make peace with food?

Don’t be tempted to sign up for yet another weight loss challenge! Did you know the cycle of restriction, deprivation and guilt from dieting is actually one of the main causes of overeating? Learn how to break the cycle instead. Our Overcoming Binge and Emotional Eating Program will teach you the skills you need to enjoy a healthy relationship with food for the rest of your life.

Each week, you’ll learn more about the science of eating behaviour, plus practical strategies to take back control of food.

Some of the topics we'll cover include:

  • Why binging and overeating happens. How our food choices can lead us to a binge. What cues in our internal and external environments lead to binges.
  • How to trust yourself again around your favourite foods.
  • The myth of dieting. Why everything the weight loss industry sells us is wrong, and why we need to let it go.
  • What healthy and constructive goals we can focus on when we're trying not to focus negatively on our weight, and how weight is actually regulated.
  • How to listen to your body's appetite cues, so you're eating the right amounts, types of food and frequency that suits you best.
  • How to work out what you really want, if you don’t actually need food. How to soothe emotions without food.
  • Is food addiction a real thing? Why am I so hung up on sugar?
  • How to make sure you get maximum enjoyment and satisfaction from food, so you never feel deprived again.
  • Learn what balance and moderation really mean, and how to achieve them instead of continually swinging from restriction, to over-eating, and back again. (Yes, you WILL be able to have open packets in the house without having to finish the contents in one hit!).
  • The nutrition knowledge that actually matters, and why most of what you read is not only wrong, but isn’t even that important.
  • Build your nutrition-confidence, and stop worrying about the food decisions you’re making for yourself and your family.
  • Ask all of your food and nutrition questions, in a judgement-free environment
  • Be a body-positive role model for your children, and help them to develop a healthy relationship with food.

Every week is fun, informative, and interactive. There will be hands-on activities each week so you can practice your skills between sessions, plus discussion time so we can all learn and benefit from each others’ experiences (sharing is optional!).

What's Included

  • 10 weekly interactive group seminars
  • Your take-home program guide with weekly session notes, so you can go back over the materials whenever you want to in future.
  • Included 1-to-1 clinic review appointment after the program has finished, to talk about how much progress you've made, and any last questions you have.

Program Cost

An initial screening phone call to discuss your needs and assess your suitability for the program is required.

If the program is suitable for you, and you choose to go ahead, the program cost including final progress private consultation is $479.

This is excellent value for a life free of overeating issues, and over 15hrs with a skilled and experienced dietitian!

NOTE- A number of places are available in each program for pensioners/ health care card holders. Please enquire about rates and availability when you contact us about the program.

How can I sign up?

We require that all interested people please fill in the contact form below to arrange a date/ time for your suitability assessment phone call. You're also welcome to contact Emma using the form below to ask questions about the program.

I have/ had an eating disorder, can I join?

This is one of the issues looked at when we're determining whether this program is a good fit for you. If you have a history of an eating disorder, or current binge-eating disorder, you may indeed still be suitable. However we will likely require that you have extra individual dietitian and/ or psychology sessions. (If you don't have a psychologist, we can suggest some local providers who have special training and expertise in eating behaviours).

I want to do this program, but I'm really not keen on groups. Can I do it via private appointments?

Absolutely! Binging and other eating behaviour difficulties are my specialty. All you need to do is make an appointment, and we can discuss your unique needs, then tailor a course of treatment for you. Consultation packages can be arranged, and usual private health rebates apply.

Will I lose weight?

We need to make it very clear that this is not a weight loss program. The goal of this program is to focus on stopping binge eating and minimising the behavioural drivers of binge eating. To do this effectively, we cannot be focusing on weight loss at the same time.

Lots of people assume that if binge eating stops, weight loss will happen naturally. For some people this is true, but for some people it isn't, and there is no way to predict the impact of stopping binging on an individual's future weight. What we CAN tell you is that binge and emotional eating tends to result in gaining of weight year after year. Breaking free of the binge eating cycle and normalising eating habits most often has the effect of stopping this weight gain, therefore stabilising weight in future. The part we can't predict is where your body will prefer for its weight to stabilise. It's well known that the weight yo-yo'ing that results from the diet-cycle is very detrimental to metabolic and mental health. Weight stability and maintenance of healthy habits is known to improve metabolic and mental health- even if no weight has been lost!

Of course, we'll talk about the reasons why we're deliberately not focusing on weight during the program in great detail. It's ok to still want and hope for weight loss when joining the program, we just ask that you can put the focus on weight aside for the duration of the program while we're working on eating behaviours together.

I'm keen to join! Let's get the ball rolling...

Great! Please fill in the form below to arrange your screening phone call. We'll be in contact with you in the next couple of working days.

Fill in your details to register your interest, and arrange your 30min assessment phone call to determine whether the program is suitable for you.

I want to join the program!

Enter your details below to arrange your assessment phone call. Please allow up to 30mins.

Where To Next?

Meet the founder, Emma

Learn more about clinic founder, Accredited Practising Dietitian/ Nutritionist, Emma Robertson, and why she believes in the 'Health At Every Size' approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

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Fees, Medicare plans, health fund rebates.

How many appointments will I need?

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