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We're updating our website (Sep '24). Sorry if some links don't work and they'll be fixed up soon!

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Specialist Support with Eating Disorders and Fussy Eating

Dietetics :: Psychology :: Kids Feeding Therapy :: Support Groups :: Recovery Coaching

Individual Eating Disorder Treatment

In Clinic + Telehealth

Get individual treatment for an eating disorder with our Dietetic and Psychology team, anywhere in Australia. All our team are 'Credentialled Eating Disorder Clinicians'. We're trained in a wide variety of treatment types, and can mix and match to suit your needs, readiness for recovery, personality, and other mental or physical health needs.

ED treatment works best when you have BOTH a credentialled Dietitian and Psychologist, plus your GP/ Psychiatrist if needed. We're friendly, approachable, and work at your pace. Click to read the profiles of our dietitians and our psychologists, and when you're ready, we can't wait to meet you!

Feeding Therapy for Fussy Eaters

From 5yrs, in person or via telehealth

Our Dietitians can support adults and kids from 5yrs with problematic picky eating, as well as feeding challenges like ARFID (Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder) or PFD (Paediatric Feeding Disorder).

We teach parents the skills to take the conflict out of meal times! All of our treatments are based on gentle, respectful Responsive Feeding Therapy, and can include techniques like SOS and food chaining, or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for older teens and adults.

Click below to learn more about when to seek help, approaches our team use, and to book an assessment online

Eating Disorder Groups

All available online

We offer a range of additional online group services to support your recovery:

Support Groups- Current Clients

A safe space to talk through challenges, with people who really understand what you're going through.

Meal Support- Current Clients

We help you practice mealtime coping skills, with your day to day meals, or a challenge food.

Parent & Carer Support- All Welcome

Casual group for carers or spouses to get tricky questions answered, advice, education, and discuss your own self-care. Carers of non-clients welcome.

Recovery Coaching

Phone, email and in-app support

We know that so much can happen between appointments with your team! If you're early in recovery, wanting to step up the pace, or just need more day to day support, recovery coaching is for you.

Coaching is provided by our Dietetics Team, and each package includes:

  • In-app check-ins and answers to questions
  • Email support
  • An additional phone call between your usual appointments
  • Optional meal support

Our website is being updated and more details are coming soon! In the meantime, please call or send an enquiry, and Director Emma can send you package information.

Binge & Emotional Eating 10Wk Program


Maybe you're not ready to commit to 1 on 1 treatment, but still want to work on your relationship with food and your body?

Our self paced course is based on non-diet nutrition concepts, to help you break free of the diet cycle for good. It teaches why food has power over you, tons of practical skills to take that power back, so you can finally feel able to trust yourself around all foods.

Each week includes interactive, hands on activities, and worksheets to practice skills between sessions. Get lifetime access to all downloads and worksheets, so you can revisit topics as needed.

Click below to read more about what the program covers, and book online.

Welcome! We're so glad you've found us.

We're a specialist eating disorder practice in Sutherland Shire, Sydney, offering compassionate and collaborative treatment for individuals, families and carers, plus treatment for other eating behaviour concerns (like binge or emotional eating) using a non-diet approach.

We offer individual or family based treatment with experienced dietitians and psychologists, a variety of online and in-person group programs, dedicated parent and carer support groups plus extras to support your recovery like meal support (clinic or videoconference), and check-ins with your clinician via the Recovery Record app.

We appreciate the lack of specialist eating disorder services, and can offer our full suite of services via  telehealth/ videoconference, or phone, Australia wide.

Hopefully, this is the start of your journey toward finally breaking free from the power that food has over you. If you aspire to a life of just eating 'normally' again, you're in the right place. Read on 🙂

** NEWS **

* We'll be looking for our next psychologist soon- if you're the right kind of special snowflake! If you're a HAES aligned Clinical or Registered Psychologist with experience treating eating disorders, please check out our JOBS page, and get in contact!

What Health Issues Can We Help With?

We're a specialist eating disorder treatment practice, offering 'non-diet' (i.e. not weight focused) nutrition, psychology, and body image counselling, and related group programs. We can help with all main ED diagnoses in all age groups, including Anorexia Nervosa, Atypical AN, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, ARFID, and OSFED. If unsure whether we can help you, feel free to phone and ask.
Anorexia and Bulimia Nervosa

Medically stable adults and adolescents seen. Maudsley Family based Treatment offered.

Maybe you're not sure whether you actually have an eating disorder, or whether you're ready to get treatment? We can help you work towards readiness, and build motivation. We can also advise what outpatient treatment options could suit you (check out our support group here), and put you in the drivers' seat. Learn why you need a specialist eating disorder dietitian here.

It's never too early or late to get help!

Parents are welcome to phone or enquire online about options for your child/ young adult.

Emotional & Binge Eating

Are there foods that you just can't keep in the house? Do you eat in secret, or feel ashamed about how much you eat?

It's not your fault! We'll show you how so many people get stuck in this cycle, and teach you how to take back the control that food has over you.

Get individual nutrition counselling, or you might want to join our Overcoming Binge & Emotional Eating group program.

Weight Concern & Body Image

FACT: Most people seeing a dietitian want to lose weight. BUT: dieting increases risk of chronic disease and makes most people heavier over time. There IS an alternative to yo-yo dieting misery!

We do NOT offer a weight control service; what we do offer is the Non-Diet approach, which is better supported by research for achieving long-term health improvement. This takes the focus off weight (which is mostly out of our control) and puts it on eating behaviours (eg intuitive eating, or mindful eating) & body image- which we CAN control and improve.

You deserve a life of enjoying food and feeling comfortable in your skin!

To see if our approach could work for you, read About Us, and join the recovery inspo newsletter below.

Get the Recovery Inspo newsletter

Choosing the right team to help you with your recovery is super important. The Recovery Inspo newsletter is the perfect way to get an insight into what we do, and how we do it. It's a great way to see whether you like our approach, while you're considering booking in with us or joining a group program. And hopefully, whether you decide to work with us or not, we'll help to keep you that little bit more motivated to keep pushing towards recovery!

Join the Recovery Inspo eNews

We respect your email privacy

Meet the founder, Emma

Learn more about clinic founder, Accredited Practising Dietitian/ Nutritionist, Emma Robertson, and why she believes in the 'Health At Every Size' approach.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out about:

Fees, Medicare plans, health fund rebates.

How many appointments will I need?

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